
History: How the hell is it possible to get this museum together?

The start was made possible by participating in a unlike project: a participation between the department of unemployment and welfare. A fantastic firm who is specialized in a program to point the direction and invest in the future of those who by whatever reason became a victim of society through alcohol, drugs, crime, long-term illness, mental illness or recidivists who are looking for a future in a human and honest way with respect and self-esteem. Read more.

Letter from Henk

Dear Tattoo Friend wherever thou are,

Here in the European lowlands, in Holland, there's a saying “the bullet went through the church”. Meaning as much as it is reveiled in the open. News was made, history, and not without a big fucking bang, a blast, an explosion when the Amsterdam Tattoo Museum, the as we call the ATM, opened its doors to the public after our private party - guests only in all its spaces and ancient Inca ceremony. Read more.